方青卓(1955年5月10日-),出生于辽宁省大连市,毕业于辽宁营口市文工团,中国内地女演员[1]。 1980年,首次出演电影《不是为了爱情》。1984年,主演故事片《再塑一个我》。1987年,凭电视剧《雪野》,获中国电视剧飞天奖最佳女主角称号;同年,在电影《招财童子》中饰演天宝娘。1994年,参演喜剧电影《乔迁之喜》;2005年9月,主演电视剧《别拿豆包不当干粮》。2012年6月,凭影片《暴走妈妈》,获第9届电影频道传媒大奖最佳女主角奖和第15届上海国际电影节最佳女主角奖[2]。2016年9月,出演电影《屋顶上的青春》。2018年3月,方青卓入选《中国电视剧60年大系人物卷》。2020年3月15日,参演的电影《站住!小偷》在腾讯视频上映。
Born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, Fang Qingzhuo is an actress from the Chinese mainland
Fang Qingzhuo (born May 10, 1955), born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, graduated from Yingkou Art Troupe, Chinese mainland actress [1]. In 1980, she made her film debut in "Not for Love." In 1984, she starred in the feature film "Make Me Again". In 1987, she won the Best Actress of Chinese TV Series Flying Apparatus Award for her role in the TV series Snow Field. In the same year, she played Tianbao Niang in the film "Lucky Boy". In 1994, she acted in the comedy film "Housewarming". In September 2005, she starred in the TV series "Don't take bean buns instead of dry food". In June 2012, she won the Best Actress Award of the 9th Film Channel Media Award and the Best Actress Award of the 15th Shanghai International Film Festival for her film "Violent Momma". In September 2016, she starred in the film "Youth on the Roof". In March 2018, Fang Qingzhuo was selected into the 60 Years of Chinese TV Series Characters Volume. On March 15, 2020, the film Stop! Thief was released on Tencent Video.
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